Collaborative Environments: Investment and Development Perspectives

Watch the newly released recording of Collaborative Real Estate owner and founder, David Tyndall, leading a virtual panel discussion during the University-Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP) workshop, “Re-envisioning Collaborative Research Environments,” earlier in April.


As a proud Community Partner of UIDP, Tyndall joined Kevin Byrne and Chris Buddle to discuss “Collaborative Environments: Investment and Development Perspectives.” The full workshop, as described by UIDP, dove deep into the following:

“This workshop explored new ways in which the design of shared, co-location and start-up collaboration spaces support optimized research in the post-COVID-19 era. Experts in R&D investment, development, planning and design shared how the pandemic has—more than ever—shaped thinking around the importance of collaborative spaces in research environments. The session featured a panel discussion on investment and development priorities as well as an engagement session where participants identified and re-imagined design elements desired by academic and industry investigators who want to feel safe while realizing their success requires areas for serendipitous collaboration.”

To watch the full recording, click here.


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